Bryony dressed as a queen holding a scroll

Circle Land Films was started in early 2016 by the Kay-King Family.

Based in Westerleigh (Bristol, UK) we make strictly non-commercial films, just for fun.

Our aim is to tell stories and learn about all aspects of filmmaking in an inclusive, respectful and (hopefully) relaxed way.

We are always looking for volunteers – we could always use actors, camera operators, sound engineers, post production people, VFX people, scriptwriters, etc.

We are no experts, but if you are new to filmmaking or just wanted to come along to a shoot, we would be happy to show you what we know. We don’t have any restrictions, our first two films were based on ideas suggested by a four year old!

If you would like to get involved please do let us know via the social media links below or email us:

Made with ♥ by Conan